Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ugh, September...

Life lately:

     See that picture up there? That should have been me over the last two weekends as both were three day weekends for me. But alas, there was no time. 
      I was doing good staying ahead on my reading but then September hit.  Oy, this month is one of the busiest months of the year for our family! Added on top of the usual craziness we also had our last MLB game of the year (Go Royals!) and a college visit with the daughter that we decided to turn into an overnight trip.  This was to squeeze in some touristy stuff and avoid six hours of drive time in one day and well...I'm behind...again.  
     So short story long, no reviews this week.  I am writing this to help alleviate some of my guilt but I doubt it works.  I am going to try to be back in the swing of things next week but I can't guarantee anything as this weekend is another busy one.  I promise to try and that's something, right?

     Hope everyone is having a good month so far full of great reads? If you have anything that you've read lately that is amazing, please comment below!


  1. Oh wow, sounds like quite the busy month indeed! I feel that way too, so often, that you just... can't get ahead. I say enjoy yourself, and your hectic schedule, and blogging and reviews will still be here when you're ready again!

    1. Thanks! Part of me feels guilty but if I start feeling pressured by this I won't enjoy it anymore and that is not cool so I try to just let it go.
